Regional Spotlight! Mohawk Regional METS Summer Choice Learning Boards

Students across the Mohawk Regional METS were able to travel outside of New York during the summer of 2020, virtually! Migrant Educators created cross-cultural and cross-content area Choice Learning Boards. Choice boards are virtual representations of a bulletin board, which displays learning options and resources in the form of pictures, links, and QR codes. Students choose what they want to learn about!

The Mohawk METS’ choice boards each focused on a geographical area, like Africa and China, and students were able to explore a new country. Each of the choice boards aligned to a book title selection, and students received literature to dive into at home. Additionally, families received corresponding activities and supplies that accompanied each of the choice boards to engage students in hands-on learning. Students spent time cooking, doing science and art projects, reading, writing, and exploring nature with outdoor movement activities. The choice boards included QR codes that led to tours/field trips of places around the country like zoos and museums. Finally, the choice boards also incorporated two of the NYS-MEP collaborative statewide art projects: tree drawing and clay creations.

Once students completed an activity, they marked the corresponding square on their choice board. After checking three squares in a row, students received completion prizes that further supported learning and movement (i.e., soccer balls, art/drawing books, soccer books). 

Choice Board Example